Build does not work on the test server


Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error

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Probably your aia is too large for the main and test servers. Try building on the which can handle an AIA size: 50 MB

aia size is 12,311KB... and tested it with same 500 error.

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I am experiencing the same issue. I have tried building on both and

The error message displayed is:

Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.

500 Internal Server Error

500 Internal Server Error


When I create a new project, it works fine. Adding a Label and a Textbox also works without issues. However, when I upload an image (jpg) with a size of 126k, the build fails.

Additionally, even if I delete all media from an old project, the build still fails.


(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.



test.aia (156.8 KB)

Attached is the AIA project file. It contains only a Label, a Textbox, and an uploaded image, but the build still fails.


Build errors confirmed.

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Hello all;

It is temporal bug on the test server.
Today, it works and no related specific component issues.
I think I close this case now.
But I will raise it again if happens again.

Thanks for all

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