Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.
500 Internal Server Error500 Internal Server Error
Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.
500 Internal Server ErrorProbably your aia is too large for the main and test servers. Try building on the which can handle an AIA size: 50 MB
aia size is 12,311KB... and tested it with same 500 error.
I am experiencing the same issue. I have tried building on both and
The error message displayed is:
Build failed! Build server responded with response code 500.
500 Internal Server Error500 Internal Server Error
When I create a new project, it works fine. Adding a Label and a Textbox also works without issues. However, when I upload an image (jpg) with a size of 126k, the build fails.
Additionally, even if I delete all media from an old project, the build still fails.
(Canned Reply: ABG- Export & Upload .aia)
Export your .aia file and upload it here.
test.aia (156.8 KB)
Attached is the AIA project file. It contains only a Label, a Textbox, and an uploaded image, but the build still fails.
Build errors confirmed.
Hello all;
It is temporal bug on the test server.
Today, it works and no related specific component issues.
I think I close this case now.
But I will raise it again if happens again.
Thanks for all