BUG REPORT: (i don't know what to call this bug)

Something started happening randomly. it was just fine until when I clicked the screen once, and then it showed me this notify: "Are you sure you want to delete all 363 blocks?" I kept clicking "Cancel", but every time I clicked the screen again, it did the same thing.

And whats even more strange is that now, it seems to be working fine again.

I think it might be a problem with your mouse or wifi

Or keyboard.
But sometimes windows drivers can go crazy so if not hardware issue then usually a computer reboot solves it.

take care that this message appears when you (maybe erroneously) hit the "cancel" or "delete" key of your keyboard and you don't have any block highlighted.
In other words, if you click the mouse in an empty area of your blocks page and you hit the "del" key, AI2 asks you for the cancellation of ALL blocks. At least this is what has happened me several times until I discovered the root cause.
Suppose that you want to delete a block, but that block is not highlighted, when you hit "del" AI2 wants to delete all.
Be careful!

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thanks for the info

You're welcome !!!

PS most probably you already do this, but let me say another hint to avoid an unwanted deletion: as soon as you have a stable version of your app, make a backup copy on your PC by downloading the relevant .aia file. Don't be afraid of having several versions (xxx_01.aia; xxx_02.aia, and so on): in this case the most you lose is the work from the last backup. :face_with_monocle:

Yes, Me too, I Was Trying to delete a block but the same of @uskiara