Bug, Mal function or Editor capacity exceeded

Good morning: I am having trouble with the App Inventor editor. Mainly when I use the editor for "Blocks". The block editor works very slow and many times it goes off the page and I only have the option to reload the project.

I need to know if there is a limit of blocks available to use in the block editor or if it is a problem with the App Inventor servers.

So far my project is using 4300 blocks on a single screen.

Thank you very much.

Otro_Enigma fino a 7000 blocchi, si riesce a lavorare; anche se molto lentamente, dato che il server del MIT incomincia ad avere problemi di Ram.

Nicola_Imperati Grazie. Quello che dici รจ qualcos'altro che avevo considerato.

Grazie Nicola_Imperati per i dati di 7000 blocchi.

When you are stuck in a hole, stop digging.

  • Use a faster web browser like Firefox, on a fast connection, with no overhead.
  • Reduce Blocks Editor load by minimizing all blocks.
  • After minimizing blocks, do a Clean Up Blocks to reduce surface area of workspace.
  • Reduce your block count by changing blocks to data.
  • If your blocks look like a box of combs, you need to generalize.
  • Have a lot of similar events? Use generic blocks.