BluetoothLE TPMS

Hello! I want to create an app for TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System). In my opinion, the TPMS translates the data through advertising packages. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way how to get this data using the BlutoothLE extension. I want to get something like raw data. How can I do this?


  • AdvertisementData – Returns the advertisement data associated with the specified device address.Parameters:
    • deviceAddress (text) — The Media Access Control (MAC) address of the target Bluetooth low energy device.
    • serviceUuid (text) — The unique identifier of the advertised service.

call BluetoothLE1 AdvertisementDatadeviceAddressserviceUuid


Interpretation of an advertisement for one model tpms system at

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Thank you for your answer! I did try this method. But TPMS does not have UUID, so it returns "null".

Hmm. So it seems like in theory this would be possible, but I need to think a bit about how we want to expose it. Android provides access to the raw advertising data, but on iOS we have limited access to the advertising packet. The linked article suggests that all of the data are transmitted via the manufacturer data portion of the advertising packet. This suggests to me that we may want to add that as a property one could query via the BLE component. I will have to go back to the Bluetooth spec and see if that makes reasonable sense.

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This is the data which I need to get.

Evan, can you help me with my case?

Just a little hint (probably you already knew that): the message Type 0x09 (NAME) is the hexadecimal stream of the ASCII characters: TPMS2_200786.

Yes, I know. Thank you!
