I have an Arduino R4 Wifi with a SDCard board. I try to make the list of the files who are in the SDCard and write it in a ListView in App Inventor.
As I have a lot of files and as BLE can't send a long message, I send the names one by one to the app.
My Arduino sketch is all right and it send the names but I can't read all the names in App. I only have the last one.
The BluetoothLE.StringReceived Values only give me the last one.
How can I collect all the names and put them in a list ?
Than you for help !!
Dear @Afigiboto, I'm not a super-expert of BLE, but some months ago I've developed the annexed .aia for my own understanding of BLE (Tx and Rx strings).
BLE_Test.aia (254.8 KB)
It was working for me.
Probably, by a quick look into your blocks, you missed the "Register for string" that I've put into a clock.
Give it a sight.
Meilleures salutations !
PS this is the ESP32 counterpart:
BLETestAI2_uart.ino (5.9 KB)
Thanks' !
Just a question, what RegisterforString is it for ?
I understand Write, or Read, but Register ?
I have no ptoblem to send or receive a word, but the problem is for a lot of words sended one by one. Only that case is a problem.
In my understanding the RegisterForString allows the receiver to get all the incoming messages containing strings without the need to poll them. In other words: the receiver gets "in background" the messages and strores them in a sort of a buffer, so when it is available to read the buffer, it empties it at all, without the risk to lose messages.
(essayer, coute presque rien....
Bonne chance!
Merci uskiara. Je vais faire des tests avec ce Register !!!
J'éspère que tu puisses résoudre. Si non, il y a beaucopup d'experts de BLE sur ce forum, ne quitte pas de demander (et de rechercher sur les FAQ gerées par @ABG).
'A plus.
Hello, I'm still stuck in my development. Nobody have an Idea how can I send the list of files of the SDCard of Arduino to my app ? I can do it with arduino and HC06 but not with arduino R4 and BLE bluetooth...
I find the problem, I only declare BLERead and BLEWrite ... I have to declare BLENotify to.