BluetoothLE - List of Files on SDCard - Read strings

I have an Arduino R4 Wifi with a SDCard board. I try to make the list of the files who are in the SDCard and write it in a ListView in App Inventor.
As I have a lot of files and as BLE can't send a long message, I send the names one by one to the app.
My Arduino sketch is all right and it send the names but I can't read all the names in App. I only have the last one.
The BluetoothLE.StringReceived Values only give me the last one.
How can I collect all the names and put them in a list ?
Than you for help !!

Dear @Afigiboto, I'm not a super-expert of BLE, but some months ago I've developed the annexed .aia for my own understanding of BLE (Tx and Rx strings).
BLE_Test.aia (254.8 KB)
It was working for me.
Probably, by a quick look into your blocks, you missed the "Register for string" that I've put into a clock.
Give it a sight.
Meilleures salutations !

PS this is the ESP32 counterpart:
BLETestAI2_uart.ino (5.9 KB)

Thanks' !
Just a question, what RegisterforString is it for ?
I understand Write, or Read, but Register ?
I have no ptoblem to send or receive a word, but the problem is for a lot of words sended one by one. Only that case is a problem.

In my understanding the RegisterForString allows the receiver to get all the incoming messages containing strings without the need to poll them. In other words: the receiver gets "in background" the messages and strores them in a sort of a buffer, so when it is available to read the buffer, it empties it at all, without the risk to lose messages.
(essayer, coute presque rien.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:).
Bonne chance!

Merci uskiara. Je vais faire des tests avec ce Register !!!

J'éspère que tu puisses résoudre. Si non, il y a beaucopup d'experts de BLE sur ce forum, ne quitte pas de demander (et de rechercher sur les FAQ gerées par @ABG).
'A plus.

Hello, I'm still stuck in my development. Nobody have an Idea how can I send the list of files of the SDCard of Arduino to my app ? I can do it with arduino and HC06 but not with arduino R4 and BLE bluetooth...

I find the problem, I only declare BLERead and BLEWrite ... I have to declare BLENotify to.