BluetoothInfo Extension [Free & Open Source]


BluetoothInfo is an Extension to get some information from a local Bluetooth Adapter.

This extension won't be updated anymore, that's why I've provided the source code.

Latest Version: 1
Released: 2021-09-16T22:00:00Z
Last Updated: 2021-09-16T22:00:00Z
Tested: Android 8, Companion and Compiled
android.permission.BLUETOOTH, android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN, android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION




blocks (1)

Event occurs when the information about bluetooth changes.
state will return Constant Value ➤ Check the Constant Values ​​here
name will return Text
scanMode will return Constant Value ➤ Check the Constant Values here
connectionState will return Constant Value ➤ Check the Constant Values here

blocks (2)

Return the hardware address of the local Bluetooth Adapter.
For example, "00:11:22:AA:BB:CC".
Note: This block can only work for Devices < Android 8, for more info visit Android 6.0 Changes.

blocks (3)

Return the Bluetooth name of the local Bluetooth Adapter.

blocks (4)

Return the current Bluetooth scan mode of the local Bluetooth Adapter.
This block will return Constant Value ➤ Check the Constant Values here

blocks (5)

Return the current state of the local Bluetooth Adapter.
This block will return Constant Value ➤ Check the Constant Values ​​here

blocks (6)

Return true if Bluetooth local Adapter is available.

blocks (7)

Return true if Bluetooth is currently enabled and ready for use.

blocks (8)

Return true if the address is valid, false otherwise


com.SalmanDev.BluetoothInfo.aix (10.2 KB)
ExampleProject1.aia (13.2 KB)
Source Code : BluetoothInfo.txt (5.5 KB)


Thank you very much to My Best Teacher @MohamedTamer :kissing_heart:
Big Thanks to @vknow360 for the support :heart_eyes:
Thanks to all of you who helped me :star_struck:
And Thanks a lot to MIT :heart:


Awesome Extension @Salman_Dev

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Thank you very much @SRIKAR_B.S.S

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Nice extension. I think you followed the naming conventions.


Nice extension @Salman_Dev


Thanks a lot @gordonlu310 :wink:

I always follow it

Thanks a bunch @Faraz_Firoz :wink:

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Hi Everyone Now This Extension Is Open Source.

BluetoothInfo Extension [Free & Open Source]

Note: This extension won't be updated anymore, that's why I've provided the source code.

Ko-fi_Icon_RGB_rounded Buy me a coffee

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