Bluetooth no funciona

Estoy desarrollando una aplicacion para enviar los datos del acelerometro, giroscopio y magnetometro a la computadora. Pero aunque esten conectados, dice que no lo estàn. Incluso le di los permisos correspondientes para android 12 pero siempre me dice que no estan conectados.

Hello Diany, welcome to the forum.

What microcontroller are you using to connect with your App and the sensors?

I see you want to connect directly via an Address (which looks like an IP address). You probably would be better-off listing available Bluetooth devices and selecting your target device, at least for now.

It is wise to allow a bit of time for a successful connection too.

Try this Template project. It does not have any added permissions for Android12 (should not be required for Bluetooth Classic).

BT_Basic_Setup_ReceiveMulti.aia (8.4 KB)