Bluetooth LE extension fail

I have a basic BT app I'm wanting to convert to BT LE.

SO.... I've downloaded the aix file for Bluetooth LE,

But when I try to install it I get an upload error.


How do you install it?
Usually you import extensions into your project

See the App Inventor Extensions document about how to use an App Inventor Extension.


Hmm. Yes. That's what I've done.
Gone to the downolads page, downloaded the extension.
Gone to the Extension block in the project, clicked Extension/Import Extension
Found it in my download folder
Clicked it, etc.
All good, then I get an error, top of screen, red......

Oh. Just did it again, to get data for this reply, and it worked.


Ah. It worked after the usual refresh when you've been logged out for a while.
Probably that.

Thank you. And for being so prompt.