void loop() {
// value_pot0 = analogRead(A0);
value_pot0 = (int) random(0,500);
delay(100); // It should be slower than the Clock Interval.
App connects Bluetooth for 5 seconds, during that time it receives data. Disconnect. Stay disconnected for 5 seconds. Repeat the cycle.
(approximate times).
In these tutorials we saw how to connect two Bluetooth devices at the same time to the same application, for this we use two components, BluetoothClient1 and BluetoothClient2.
Now we are going to connect two Bluetooth to the same application but cyclically, that is, the app connects to a Bluetooth, for 5 seconds during this time it receives random numbers from 100 to 199. It disconnects. It connects to the other Bluetooth for 5 seconds, during that time it receives random numbers from 2000 to 2999. It disconnects. This sequence repeats continuously.
void loop() {
// value_pot0 = analogRead(A0);
value_pot0 = (int) random(100,199);
delay(100); // It should be slower than the Clock Interval.
void loop() {
// value_pot0 = analogRead(A0);
value_pot0 = (int) random(2000,2999);
delay(100); // It should be slower than the Clock Interval.
hello super tutorial YES !!!, a question: Is it possible to transmit a csv file from the arduino / esp8266 to the mobile? if so what are the constraints?
Thanks for reading.
Happy holidays to you
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
int num = Serial.parseInt(); // Read number received as text
String binary = String(num, BIN); // To binary
while (binary.length() < 8) {
binary = "0" + binary; // Fill 0 left
Serial.println(binary); // Print binary number and return.
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) {
int num = Serial.parseInt(); // Read number received as text
String binary = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
if (i == num) {
binary += "1"; // Agregar "1" en la posición correspondiente al número
} else {
binary += "0"; // Agregar "0" en las demás posiciones
Serial.println(binary); // Print binary number and return.
Hello, I tried this and it's not working, when connecting to HC-05 Bluetooth module it works but on the Check Temperature button when I click it it just freeze. Any help? thanks
Well, now it's working, after extensive research and checking the hardware parts I used, the app was not the issue, the problem was the power supply, the wire I use was longer, then I try shorter wire, now it works, the problem was power supply shortage.
Привет., сделал приложение по вашему подобию. Только я получаю не 2 переменные с ардуино, а 4 штуки. Но получается, что при первых 8 нажатиях приходит предыдущие значения другой переменной и только на 8 нажатие отображается та переменная какая нужна. как пофиксить?
HelloI kindly need urgent help. Thank you for this it worked, however can you share a way that generates the actual readings of the environment instead of random generated numbers in the given ranges