Bluetooth Client and Bluetooth Server Problem

What's the Difference between Bluetooth Client and Bluetooth Server in MIT App Inventor Please Help Me.

Regards :pray:

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Did you read the documentation?

Use BluetoothClient to connect your device to other devices using Bluetooth. This component uses the Serial Port Profile (SPP) for communication. If you are interested in using Bluetooth low energy, please see the BluetoothLE extension.

Use the BluetoothServer component to turn your device into a server that receive connections from other apps that use the BluetoothClient component.

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Thanks @TIMAI2 for the reply, but I want more details about it like what are the advantages of them, or example project that I can learn.

Thank you

In which case:

Please Help me :sob:

A simple Bluetooth Chat with App Inventor 2


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Thank you very much @Taifun :+1: :smiley: :+1: i like it that project

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