Bluetooth Automatic Pairing with Activity Starter

Hi Everyone, please help me how to make Bluetooth Automatic Pairing with Activity Starter.
Thank you.

Salman Dev

I don't think, this will be possible...
but I can offer the bluetooth extension, which is able to do it


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

thank you for reply @Taifun , I just want to know can we use the activity starter to only pair Bluetooth devices. because this time I was more interested in the activity starter

Salman Dev

Actually i want to use your bluetooth extension which has a block pair bluetooth device but i just want the block not to pair with the address but with the name.
Thank you

sorry, you can't

after the scan process you get the result in the AfterScanning event, which is for each device the mac address, the name and the RSSI

for the user you can display only the name and let the user select the name of the device to pair... intermally in your blocks then just use the corresponding mac address


so what is the price of your bluetooth extension :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

You can find it at the bottom of the webpage.

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Ok thanks @Peter, but this time I am more interested in the activity starter so please help, thank you.

Salman Dev

Please help me guys :sob:

sorry, but there is no activity starter solution available to pair a device

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