Blocks environment showing blank

Commodities selected under Designer do not show under Blocks. But commodities selected via Blocks are shown. Is there a settings that needs changing somewhere?

Welcome John.

Properties set using the Designer are implemented when the app runs. Setting the Property does not create a corresponding Block.

Properties can be set using either the Designer or using Blocks although some Properties can only be set using the Designer.

No. What happens depends on how you set the Property and use it in your Project.

In the Designer, you have to drag components from the Components palletes into the workspace, to the place where you want that component to live, hopefully inside an Arrangement.

Just clicking on them in the pallette is not enough.

P.S. Search for David Wolber AI2 videos in YouTube to see well narrated examples of this in action

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Thanks AGB for your response. I found the problem . As I am new to App Inventor I did not realise that you have to click on a Component in the list at the bottom of the screen to see the Blocks associated with it.

Thanks for telling us how it worked out for you.
User interfaces are not always obvious.

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