I need help
I developped a mit app inventor mobile app. It was working, connecting to an ESP32 BLE.
now impossible to connect to the ESP32 BLE Server.
I always have this error:
Connection status was set to OS code 133
My phone is an A52 with android version : 13
Here is my app code
My APP IS Stuck on "Scanning"
thx for your help
what is strange is : when i used "BLE Scanner" Connecting, and reading and writing works pretty well
Try using the latest BLE extension from this year.
Hello everyone,
We have a beta version of the BLE extension that incorporates the new Bluetooth permissions introduced in Android 12. Please make a backup of your projects before upgrading the extension. Because this is a work in progress, there may be issues that still need to be addressed. If you try it out, please leave feedback in this thread.
edu.mit.appinventor.ble-20230223-beta.aix (200.0 KB)
Evan W. Patton, Ph.D.
Lead Software Engineer, MIT App Inventor
Hi Patryk
i already used that extension
This is a known bug in android as you can see. Is your device close enough within range of your phone?
yes i did the test very closed and it is the same
i also started my old android tablet running on android 7 SDK 24
It is working very well