BLE selection list not visible in android 10

Hello all,
i have just started using MIT app inventor 2 for connection to mu HM10 BLE module connected to my Arduino UNO.
the app code from the following link works perfectly fine with AI companion(i can see the list of Bluetooth devices and connect to one) on my Samsung M51 (Android version 10) but if I build a .apk and download via QR code to my phone an install it i can see GUI properly but unable to see the list of Bluetooth devices (so cannot select one for connection)

code used from the link:

will you please guide me to overcome this bug

Hello Atul

Well the phone is using BLE 5 and the HM 10 BLE 4, plus you have been able to list devices when running under the Companion, so everything should be fine as an APK too.

Does your App ensure that Google Locate is switched on? It's a security measure and no other device will be listed with Location switched off.

It's also possible that what you see on Screen looks OK, but the App not 100% right in the phone's memory because of an issue during installation. I have a Check List for you to go through on my website:

If you still cannot find anything wrong, post your Blocks here (right mouse Blocks workspace, "download blocks as image".)

Hello ChrisWard,
Thanks for your quick response, i will check the link you mentioned .
I have uploaded the block of the code here ,

Hello ChrisWard,
One more thing i installed the same app in a phone with Android version 9, there it works well.

Thanks in advance

Are you using the latest MIT BLE Extension?

MIT: BLE Extension version 20200828 Released 28-08-2020

As an APK?

Hey ChrisWard,
Thankyou very much this has solved the problem, now the apk that installed on my devices(android version 10) works as expected.
have a fantastic weekend ahead.

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