BLE notification characteristics

I have some application where adc data from the controller is to be sent over BLE. For that, I am using BLE notify property. The service table is given below. When the app gets connected to BLE it suddenly crashes. Could anyone tell me how to write to BLE characteristics?

Screenshot from 2022-04-25 16-26-17
Screenshot from 2022-04-25 16-16-57

Maybe it is just me but I don't see the FFF0 service listed in your screenshot. The BLE extension isn't super robust to changes by the peripheral device to its advertised services/characteristics. Sometimes it requires turning BLE off and on again in your device settings. Also, if the characteristic is notify only then you won't be able to write to it.

Thanks for your reply. I have used RegisterforBytes to solve this problem.

Thanks for letting us know. Yes, typically the RegisterFor* methods resolve issues related to code that notifies BLE centrals.