I'm trying to get some data from and to an Arduino Nano 33 Ble from an ANdroid SamartPhone (pixel 6).
Inspired by many tutorials, I've implemented the needed block for the Ble permissions, connection, read the data..
At first i thought that my blocks were faulty, but i triple check them all and they are logical and true to the tuto.
Because i was unable to make a proper data read (the bleIntegerReceived nevers fires), i put some labels to chech the connection, the @adress, if the services had been read... And i get some inconsistant errors.
(The nano is 30cm away from the phone)
Sometimes the connection is made but nothing comes from its, another time 'Connection status was set to OS code 8', sometimes the services can be read but nothing more is happening...
Différents results can happen without modifying anything. I'm lost.
Does anybody have an idea?