I developed an extension using the "Android Beacon Library" and the new "@UsesServices" annotation for defining some services in AndroidManifest.xml.
If I import the extension in a Kodular test app the @UsesServices is disregarded, I must manually modify the AndroidManifest.xml and the test app runs OK.
If I import the same extension in a similar MIT appinventor test app the @UsesServices is handled correctly (the AndroidManifest.xml is OK) but the app crashes immediately with the runtime error "Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/LocalBroadcastManager"
I know that Kodular is not able of handling the new annotations so far, but I don't understand the reason for crashing the app with MIT appinventor.
Thank you Taifun for your hint.
I tried to insert the import you suggested in the extension Java code but this doesn't solve the problem on MIT appinventor.
As soon as I launch the test app (including the new generated extension) it crashes with the same error "Failed resolution of: Landroid/support/v4/content/LocalBroadcastManager".
I'm afraid this problem is due to the MIT appinventor platform as it doesn't happen with Kodular