BIG size image problem


I have one issue with a picture 720x11388 when I run the AI Companion the Screen close the app.

This is the screen and components

The blocks

And the big boy
2021-12-07 (1)

Somebody tell me how can I beat this monster please.

That looks like a picture of text.

If you can recover that text as text, it will take much less room as a text file.

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I have a designer working on the project, We have an specifit font, and have to look pretty. this have to be an image.

And I found the problem, the title of the image was too long, I change the title so it works. XD

This app is to prevent child abuse, we want that this project save lives.

The problem is size of IMG this is already noted issue on GitHub.

In this issue the problem is actually with canvas component.

what about providing this as webpage and use the webviewer to display that webpage? this also helps to have a responsive solution...
see also App Inventor Code Snippets | Pura Vida Apps