Hello everyone,
I try to create a dynamic screen with labels, buttons, checklist and something with an CSV.
So I read the CSV with parameters for the screen like the name of the row, if it's read only or read/write, item for the value or a checkbox and stuff like that.
I created rows with unvisible items and change the right item to visible if I need it. In order to copy and paste the rows and let decide by the csv what input to show.
For example:
Name of Parameter [Checkbox]
Name of Parameter _________ (0-255)
But I would do that for many rows. At least 16, but I think in the future I would need more than that, so I think doing that for about 32 or 100 would be the best.
I named the items with a scheme (Register_Name_1)
But: I have to do that for every row because I have to use an item to change the parameters for every single UI item (like the label for the name).
So I thought there must be a more efficent method to do that and even if I would change something I have to do that for every single row and its a huge pain.
Is it possible to change the UI item adress/ID with my program?
A for loop to change the last number or something?
Is there another way I didn't see to make a amount of similar rows?
Best regards