November 24, 2021, 10:02am
I've only been working with MIT-App-Inventor 2 for three days. Even after an intensive search, I couldn't find an answer to the following questions:
which formats (picture, video, audio) are supported
how big (MB) can a media file be
Thanks for the help
November 24, 2021, 10:15am
jpg,png,bmp (gif in webviewer, svg and gif via extensions)
I would keep media files down below 5mb
1. Play a big video from the ASD (App-Specific Dir.)
To play a big video (e.g. 72 MB) with the VideoPlayer component, you can download it first to the ASD and play it from there. This should work with Companion and the compiled app (APK).
See also here:
2. Play a big video from the assets
To upload a video > 5 MB to the assets and play it from there, you have to insert it into the assets via 7-Zip / WinRAR, because you cannot upload a files (video) > 5 MB to the assets (in the …
On ai2 main server you have a maximum aia project size of 30mb, onthe code server a maximum of 50mb. You can add more media files after compilation to the Google play allowed maximum:
Steps to build a big app for
APK → max. 100 MB or
AAB → max. 150 MB (new, added on Aug 31, 2021)
1. APK (Note: apps that were released before Aug 1, 2021 can still use APKs !)
You can use e.g. APK Editor Studio for that.
First download the keystore "android.keystore" from your AI2 account and rename it to: "android.ks"
remove some big files (png, jpg, mp3,…) from the assets (AIA < 10 MB, better < 5 MB)
build APK
decompile APK
(re)insert the missing files to the assets
recompile your …
November 25, 2021, 4:31pm
Thanks for the quick answer, now I'll get on (until the next obstacle)