Hello, tell me how to switch the barcode scanner to front mode. show an example of usage
why the bar code scanner need to use front camera?
You can use this extension to take photos using the front camera App Inventor Extensions: Camera | Pura Vida Apps and use the captured photo and decode the barcode using another extension Qr : Read and Create Qr/Bar Code offline
Alternatively, use this extension [FREE] ScanView -ZxingView Version 2- Extension - Extensions - Kodular Community
However, it is built in Kodular and may not work in MIT App Inventor (i tried most of the time it does)
The answer to Q1 from the FAQ here App Inventor Extensions: Camera | Pura Vida Apps might be interesting for you
There might be another extension, which offers this feature
Make a price checker project in the mit app inventory 2 for a tablet. according to the functions performed, it is also similar to a data collection terminal.I already have it made and it works, but it reads from the main camera.I want it to read from the front camera. After your question, I have another question: is it possible to programmatically switch the cameras in the mit app 2, that is, the main one to the front one?
Only with this extension
thank you unfortunately this only works in kodular
Switching cameras working OK for me on AI2 in companion with Android 14...
I have One UI 6.0 android 14 there is an error on the build. Now I will assemble and show you how my project is assembled...
what version of scan view do you have to begin with, if 2.2 you have to include BarcodeScanner component as well
You might try with the pre-release companion ? Looks like a device issue for API 34...
try by building your app and install it, I get error if I don't have it
I have ScanView 2.1, it's a barcode scanning extension based on the Zxing library (Zebra Crossing) for Android. but you should, you say 2.2
now I will download and check in 2.2
The apk is installed without errors. when you touch the screen, the program does not respond but must scan the barcode