Bad website managment

the website doesnt even work propperly im doing a project for school and my grade is important, its gonna be ruined by this garbage website please fix the block programming part its awfully bad

my life ended when i tried programming with this

Hello protatogamer

At the same time as you, approximately 400,000 other people are using App Inventor. You seem to be the only person with a problem using it, so how about helping us to help you?

Firstly, are you using an approved browser? That has to be Chrome or FireFox.

Tell us what you have had difficulty with in the Blocks work area.

Have you learnt about how to use App Inventor with the free tutorials?


Forgot to mention that over 42 million projects have been built with App Inventor, we are very proud about it's popularity and effectiveness. Unless you are trying to put man on the moon with just your phone, it's very likely that you can define your project in App Inventor. Friendly technical support is here when you need it.


I did not notice this problem. Everything works as it should.

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