B4A is now free! (gratis). Build app for Android and iOS in text mode

Hello friends,

B4A is an IDE to build app for Android, before it was called Basic4Android. The code is made in text mode with a syntax similar to that of Visual BASIC 6.0. Until now it was priced at about $ 50, but now it is 100% free (gratis).

B4i, is to make app for iOS.

In these pages I have put examples so you can see how to do it.





Juan Antonio Villalpando


Hmmm…WIndows only?

Linux with Wine (not beer Dos Equis :relaxed:)

or Virtual Box

Thanks for telling us.

I had bought B4A a while before finding Scratch and AI2,
but its lack of a Designer and pay-to-upgrade-versions
relegated it to shelfware.

It might be useful for things AI2 can’t handle,
under Activity Starter control.

In the first versions it worked correctly with Services, I don’t know if it works so efficiently now.
(2011) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/service-modules.7542/

(2018) https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/background-location-tracking.99873/#content

I tried B4A but could not use the developer IDE on my MAC, because it runs only on Windows. You should also know that you need a MAC to build the load modules for iOS yourself. Otherwise you can have the load module built by the B4A for you.