Autocomplete Csv Postcode

Hello dear friend,

I have a project for my university and would like to implement an autocomplete function. I'm still a beginner and hope you can help me :slight_smile:

I have already found a few things related to this and have assembled them as best I can. The topic has also been here a few times.
I have an Excel file with many postcodes for Germany. These should only appear when you start typing the first letters or numbers in the text field. Then you pick the right one and this is transferred to the text field.
Enclosed you can find what I have put together. I think you have to load the expected elements into an element of the ListView. I do not know how !

Can someone quickly build it and show it to me. I would be very grateful to you.

AutofillCsvPostcode.aia (120.9 KB)

You don't have any data flow from your csv file loading into the dictionary building process, for starters.

It would also help if you identified which column you want to trigger the autocomplete.

I am guessing it would be column 2, with the locality names?

Try this

AutoComplete1.aia (15.7 KB)

uses a clock and a label instead of a listview


@PYM I think this extension can solve your problem - Click this link

First of all, thank you very much for your feedback.

For your question which column should be identified ...

All three indicators are stored in column A in Excel and are only separated from each other with a comma.

In a pinch, however, the numbers alone would be sufficient.

I'll send you a picture. Is that what you mean?Block

Du auch. Danke für Ihr Feetback.

Deine Lösung sieht echt gut aus.
Ist diese auch Vereinbar mit meiner etwas größeren CSV Datei ?
Und ist es so auch möglich, dass man am Ende Städte picken kann. Daraufhin dann die Auswahl in den Textfeld übernommen wird.

Hallo Aquib_Kahn und danke das du mir helfen willst.

Diese Erweiterung habe ich auch versucht. Ich bekomme ständig eine Fehlermeldung. Folglich lässt diese Anwednung keine Probe über den Emulator ....

Ich kann auch nirgends ein Beispiel finden.

Hello Aquib_Kahn and thank you for helping me.

I tried this extension too. I keep getting error messages. As a result, this application does not allow any sample through the emulator ...

I can't find an example anywhere either.

You also. Thank you for your feedback.

Your solution looks really good.
Is this compatible with my somewhat larger CSV file?
And is it also possible that you can pick cities in the end. The selection is then adopted in the text field.

Sorry I answered in German :slight_smile:

Too slow for 16480 items (4 seconds), maybe it would be faster with JavaScript. It uses the TextBox extension, by @Taifun.

borrar_autccmpletado.aia (132.3 KB)

Hello Juan :slight_smile:
thank you very much
I downloaded your aia file and tried to use it with App Inventor. I get the error message. Have I forgotten something?error

I sent it to a friend and it works there. It's slow but it works.

I thank you so much :slight_smile:

Wasn't sure if your solution could use extensions, therefore I provided a blocks only solution. It will be slow with a big list!

I thank you all. You are all very nice

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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