Authorization bypass vulnerability in MIT App Inventor's allows unauthorized access to projects due to insufficient access control checks in the getUser() function that relies solely on basic string comparison without proper session validat

A potential authorization bypass vulnerability was identified. The issue exists in the file's user validation mechanism.

Affected Component: File:

Function: getUser()

Vulnerable code/insufficient validation of user access rights:
public String getUser(String userId, String projectId) {
Query query = new Query(ProjectData.kind);
Entity projectEntity = datastore.prepare(query).asSingleEntity();

String owner = (String) projectEntity.getProperty("owner");
if (owner.equals(userId)) {
return owner;

Issue: Insufficient validation of user access rights.

What can go wrong/Vulnerabilities: Simple string comparison for ownership validation, and there is also no session state validation which is included.

We should add a session validation and we can implement a proper authentication state verification.

is it a concern or a non issue?

You will need to wait to hear from MIT.

I don't find this code in our code base. Where did you find it?