Audiostream stop when black display

I have create an audiostream app. But when the display will be black after some seconds the audio will stop.
I have also try to add the notificer with the timer but this will not work.
Hope somebody can help me there.
kindly regards.

don't hesitate to search the community...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

Thanks for the answer but the link will not work.
Hope you can still help me.
I try also to find your topic via the search function but didn't find the topic.
kindly regards

Search for audio sleep

Thanks again for your answer.
I notice that I will need the

I have registered there but my login is still pending.
I will need it now.
kindly regards

direct download link removed and replaced by community link
only the author of an extension is allowed to provide a direct download link
thank you

Thanks for your answer.
Can you post here an example how I can solve such a foreground service.
kindly regards

Thanks for your answer.
Is it possible that you can send me the appinventor code witht the foreground service that I can do so my own streaming app.
Or you can tell me the blocks I need for this foreground service.
kindly regards again

I will ask again if someone can informe how I can implement such a foreground service in appinventor.
Kindly regards

This ?

Thanks for your answer.
Does there exist also a free solution or how can I solve this direct in appinventor because I need this for a school and there I will get no financial help.
Kindly regards

Yes, this extension also offers a Foreground service. But I kept having problems with my tests. I took a different approach. However, I still have to clarify how I do it so that the Manifest does not have to be adjusted afterwards.

Note: Background tasks have no effect on idle (sleep) mode:

Thanks for the answers.
I am still not able to login at kodular. So I cannot download any files from there.
Hope someone can still help me how I can solve this problem.
kindly regards again

Try it:

1 Like

Thanks a lot for your answer.
When I want to start the keepaliveservice I will get the following error:

Neither user 10202 nor current process has android permission wake_lock.

Hope someone can still help here.
kindly regards

What android? Because I do not have this error on android9. Did you download and compile the sample application?
UrsKeepAliveServiceTest.aia (612.3 KB)


Thanks for your answer.
yes I have tried the test. I have load the aia in my projects.
What do you mean with compile the sample application?
I use an huawei mate 10 pro with android 10. There I will get the error.

Build an application. I also get this error when working with a companion. After compiling the application, i.e. creating the APK file, it is ok.

Thanks for your answer.
It works.
kindly regards