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today an extension to listen Audiobooks from Librivox database with more 45000 free public domain books.
First perform a search in the database to find a book list using one of these: id: the unique book id, if we know it. title: the book title or a part of it author: the author name or part of it genre: the genre book
responseCode: 200 is the correct response response: the complete json response id: a list with all the books id found title: a list with all the books titles found description: a list with all the books descriptions found language: a list with all the books languages found rss:a list with all the books rss found (chapters,times) urlForCover: a list with all the books url cover found time: a list with all the books time (total duration) found author: a list with all the books authors found message: if there is an error
To get the book chapters, and the cover image I use:
rss: I use one rss previously found with GotBookList image: I use one urlForCover previously found with GotBookList
responseCode: 200 is the correct response response: the complete json response chapter: a list with all the book chapters duration: a list with every chapter duration chapterUrl: a list with the chapter to listen cover: the book cover image message: if there is an error
Also, when we search for books can we use text to speech so it tells the results?, also when we open chapters. Thanks for helping with making the buttons bigger.
The extension provides links to the chapterUrl, cover and message.
The App Inventor code uses Listviews to display the results.
Shorter explanation: Magic
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A very good way to learn App Inventor is to read the free Inventor's Manual here in the AI2 free online eBook App Inventor 2 Book: Create Your Own Android Apps ... the links are at the bottom of the Web page. The book 'teaches' users how to program with AI2 blocks.