Arduino bluetooth communication with phone with more received data

Hello everyone. I was wondering how I could receive more than one value from my arduino sensors to my phone. Basically, how can my phone recognize different variables? How can I set it up on both arduino and mit?

Arduino Sketch Example

ClassicBt_Arduino_ToAppMultiVal.txt (2.1 KB) (rename to .ino file)

You can send a string, like this:

//ArduinoToAppMultiVal.ino  Chris Ward 13/04/2021 23:05:14


unsigned long lgUpdateTime;
unsigned int igID = 1;
float fgTemperature;
float fgHumidity;

void setup()
         // Initialize device.
         lgUpdateTime = millis();

void loop()
	     if(millis() - lgUpdateTime > 5000) //Loop approx every 5 seconds
                  lgUpdateTime = millis();
                  //Collect sensor data

                  sensors_event_t event;


                  if (isnan(event.temperature))
                         fgTemperature = 99999.0;
                         fgTemperature = event.temperature;


                  if (isnan(event.relative_humidity))
                         fgHumidity = 99999.0;
                         fgHumidity = event.relative_humidity;
                  if (Serial.connected())
                              //To App via Bluetooth

                              if ((fgTemperature != 99999.0) && (!fgHumidity != 99999.0))
                                 Serial.print(igID);   //process ID
                                 Serial.println();     //This tells App "End of Data"
                                                       //= Ascii LineFeed Char Num 10

Note that I have used a pipe "|" char as the value separator for App Inventor to split the string into a list.

App Inventor Project Example (Matching Above Sketch)

BT_Basic_Setup_ReceiveMulti.aia (10.2 KB)

Hello. I'm having an issue with receiving multiple values. I will send you the code and the block, I circled the part where I've had the issue (everything else works just fine)

momo.txt (1.2 KB)

Did you enter 10 in DelimiterByte?


Yes. I had put it in the block only but now also from the designer. However, those values still don't appear. Or better, take a look

Change the "receive bytes" block to "receive text"blocks - 2021-04-14T185404.894

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This technique only works when you do BlueTooth ReceiveText.

It does not work for ReceiveUnsignedBytes.

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Thank you so much! It works now. One question: why do we put that -1 at number of bytes? What's it for?

Thank you!

Right-click the "ReceiveText" block and select "Help" from the menu. There is a description for the negative value.