Application exit problem

I have made a app which has a form and it saves and output data on next screen in list view, it works well when i close the app and open the app but if i close the app by 'recent application button' and then open the app back and add one more data it overwrites it all .
Any fix
Thank U for reading
Bima (1).aia (25.6 KB)

Are you storing your data in TinyDB?

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yes i am .

Bima (1).aia (25.6 KB)

Does this work?
I made a few changes

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No it didn't worked


Screen 1 blocks

Data Blocks

I think all the changes did not reflect, try this out

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The mistake here was, you were initializing your variable to empty list everytime, and storing the variable value in TinyDB, so the data was overwritten everytime you opened the screen

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Now it see not even saving data


Try swapping the position of store value and add item to list,
replace create empty list in the add item list to an empty string

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Hello Sir, how do you think it is a mistake, whereas many have proven it is not a mistake.

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Sorry Mr.@Alaqmar_Bohori, I think you have a strange logic. :wink:

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nothing sovled the problem

Could you share your updated code?

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it was exactly as you said and it didnt worked so i changed it back to the orignal

Okay Now I have resolved your problem,
please see your project which I have fixed the logic :
Bima.aia (26.0 KB)
:+1: :smiley: :+1:

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Thank U Alaqmar_Bohori and Salman_Dev the last aia file worked

Second Update

Bima.aia (26.7 KB)

What's new

  • Fix This Problem :
  • Fix the problem when you delete the profile and go back to screen1 and add a new profile, it still keeps the data you deleted before.

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