website down?

In trying to open the website, I keep getting this error message.

Error: Server Error

The server encountered an error and could not complete your request.

Please try again in 30 seconds.

Any help to what this might mean? Thank you.

That is not the main website. The main website is

Then my topic title is not accurate, but that doesn't address the issue described in the body of my post. Thank you.

As far as I know this is not a App Inventor team website. was created by Professor David Wolber and students at the University of San Francisco as you can see on this webpage Learn to build Android apps | Appinventor

So you should contact him about this.

That site also has the free online book.

That's unfortunate.

@wolberd might want to check...
PS: I adjusted the topic title

Thank you.


He never visited here after joining up it seems. I send him an email at the university.

1 Like is up again.

1 Like

What or who expired?

Don't know. David just responded that it was up again.

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