
pp Inventor 不能编译这个项目
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task succeeded in 0.006 seconds
[LoadComponentInfo] Starting Task
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating assets...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component assets needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating activities...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activities needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activity metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component content providers needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] Component metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating Android minimum SDK...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating native libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Native Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating permissions...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] usesLocation = False
[LoadComponentInfo] Permissions needed, n = 7
[LoadComponentInfo] Component services needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating component broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] Task succeeded in 0.006 seconds
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs...
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons...
[PrepareAppIcon] Task errored
auto828_Screen 1.aia (1.4 MB)

Remove the icon



I can't see any mismatch between your icon properties and the stated restriction.

However, the app Builds on the code server after removing that icon.