App with expire time

Hello to All of you.
i have developed an App, is posssible to add an expire date on the app? like the free trials?
Or there is a possibility to give the app to someone but only the person which i give the app must use , avoiding that he can give to others??
Thank you Carmine

yes you can
one of these extensions might help
Extension to get Date and Time from a NTP server by Juan Antonio
Check Online time Extension by Androteq
just compare the current time returned from the extension and the expiration time

see also the extensions directory here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

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You may use login Id and password and give login Id and password to your friends , let them use it for a while and then you change the password in the database and they can no more access it.
Either google spreadsheet or FirebaseDB can be used.

or you can use a no. in app .
In firebaseDB you can input the same no. (as it is in app) and call the no. from firebase , when screen 1.initialise if no. from firebase and the one in app is same , then okay ,if not then you can close the application. But this can be done to deny access to all your users. If your app is offline and doesn’t use internet then it won’t work.
What is your app about though?
But this will require internet connectivity.

Well this is what I can tell , although there may be many other ways


Thank you, for the answer the app is a wifi socket with button that send a commands …

Or there is a possibility to give the app to someone but only the person which i give the app must use , avoiding that he can give to others??

I would look into the SpeechRecognizer component and use users voice instead of user id and password. My cell phone already lets me use my voice to login. On first use Instruct user to say a predetermined sentence and save the text SpeechRecognizer returns in database (TinyDB or TinyWebDB). On subsequent access check the result of SpeechRecognizer with the saved text.