App Visibility and Optimization

Hello Everyone, I have developed an app that is in the ref. Now, I can not find it in trash folder. I don´t know what happened!!, Can anybody help me please? Is there any way to recover my app? And I downloaded the apk file and when I try to publish my app, it tells me to optimize the apk file. Thanks in Advance

Regards: Saleena

You mean you moved your project to trash and when you do a view trash it is no longer there?


I guess since it is an important project for you you made a backup?

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Yes, the project moved to trash

So you also deleted it from trash else it should be still visible there.

Cmq se si tratta di un progetto importante..è buona norma fare una copia in formato AIA almeno ogni mezz'ora. Cmq il cestino è l'ultima spiaggia..altrimenti lo hai perso irrimediabilmente.