App updates after development

After creating an application, can it be modified or given updates to it through any server?

What kind of updates, exactly? Do you want to update the value of a label or any other UI component?

I need to convert the app into server based that I can able to give updates like change of values. Is this possible?

You need to construct your app so that you can update the data?


You need to be able to install a complete app update?

Do you want to use Google Play Store, or your own server?

I have already constructed an app ...but that seems like standalone app

How to do with own server? Because I want to share with certain teams alone ...Is that possible

Let us deal with your app first. Provide an example of what you might need to update in your app, so we do not have to keep guessing at what it is you want to do.

I have created an app to rectify problems arised in a machine with step by step instructions, checking parameters (reference values provided)

Like this application having more values... I may change that value in the future. Like other applications may I able to give updates?

Kindly requesting your help to solve this.

Easiest solution is to store your values in a csv file somewhere online, and introduce a routine to your app to regularly check the file for updates, download the new values and set them in the app. or this could be user initiated.

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Can't I give updates like updating the application in play store?
Or can I change or reconstruct this to a server based application?

What do you mean by this? An app is installed on a user's device.

You could use the play store to update the app, but if you are only updating data (and not "changing" the app) it makes more sense to provide these data updates from an online resource.

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Yes, app is installed on user's device and i need to give updates when it is necessary...i don't want to change whole application instead i have to give updates.

Follow this suggestion

Alternatively use an online database to store your data

One example is MySQL


Thankyou i will try this.