I've been building some apps that work together. They work as intended on old phone(Moto g7, Android 9).
Had to get a new phone( Moto g power, Android 10).
Apps run and appear fine but no location change event seems to fire.
Setup test project:
Location sensor
Set Map to show user and the location sensor.
Location Sensor enabled.
Sensor location change event: join lat, long and put in textbox.
Runs but nothing happens after letting it go for few minutes.
5 apps good on old phone but not on new. Any ideas would be appreciated.
I went beta and recreated test project. I did add status change event handler for sensor. It was the same issue with no activity from location sensor. Also the map user marker never appeared on map. Thanks again.
If you go outside and are not testing inside on a desk without moving the phone does your code work. Take a walk. My guess your app will work but perhaps there is an issue with Android 14; my Android 13 works fine.
You might want to read * Using the Location Sensor if you have not already. Then try the two example test aia's and tell us what happens.
The LocationChanged block executes its' code when your hardware gps receive recognizes a location change. You phone, by default uses Google's fused Provider which is stubborn.
There are things that you can do to force the Provider to gps.
Thank you as well for your help @Taifun!
If I understand well, the Screen1.initialize will trigger the Clock1 that will then set the gps provider and lock it.
What I'm not sure about is: why not simply perform those actions directly inside the initialize block?