App Non responsive while downloading multiple files

I developped an Escape game. The app is the game "engine", and the different games are downloaded from the web allowing new games can be made available.
So the first time the app is installed, the different games must be downloaded. Each game haivng multiple files (text, sound, image), this may take a while. This is working fine and I display the percentage of downloaded files(using web component, when one file is downloaded, I start the download the next one).
The issue is when I try to publish the App, Google Play refuses to publish it, as the App is not responsive while downloading:

Is there a way to keep the app responsive: get event button clicked while downloading files?

Are you updating some kind of progress indicator between files?

This is what splash screens are for

Between each file, I use Notifier component: "ShowProgressDialog" to update the percentage of downloaded file.

I have no clue on the Google standards, but I have played many games that need to load files .

They hide the delays behind rotating game tips, concept art, music, achievements.

Thanks for your feedback

My main question is: Is it possible to avoid UI lock while downloading files? Generate the Button click event, even during file download to keep the app responsive and potentially abort the download. The main issue is that during a file download (GET), the User Inteface is not responsive anymore

Have you tried initiating file reads from a Clock Timer to get another thread?


How about using Web Timeout?


At least, that gives you a hook on apologizing to the user.

How big are those files being downloaded?

If the downloads are working off a list of URLs and download destinations,
clipping the list is how to abort it.

  1. Do not start the downloading until the app has loaded up. Perhaps give the user a Go button to start the downloading instead of starting it automatically
  2. Give the user something to read (e.g. a nice long text file) while the downloading is going on
  3. Set a progress bar of files downloaded so that the user can see how things are going

Thanks for all your input.
I am using a button to start the download and I display the progress of the download (percentage of download performed). The issue is not on the user experience, the issue is "I think" during Google automatic tests: they simulate pressing a button, but during the download, the buttons have no effect (no click event generated), and they consider the app is not responsive: "App contains buttons(s) that are not responsive"
Is there a way to allow/enable button click event during the download: after a Web GET?
@ABG I'll try your proposal to start download from a timer to check if this could be a solution

So Google is definitely not complaining about pixel Width and Height settings of the buttons?
(Responsive Design)

@ABG What do you mean? The issue is not related to width or height, but the fact that button do not return content ......

Google's Pre-launch report presents videos for every of their test devices. So download one of them and post it.

How do you download those files?

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

To get an image of your blocks, right click in the Blocks Editor and select "Download Blocks as Image". You might want to use an image editor to crop etc. if required. Then post it here in the community.


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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Actually, I found that the issue is NOT the fact I am downloading files. The issue is that I use ShowProgressDialog component
during file download to show the progress (percentage of files downloaded), and after the Notifier ShowProgressDialog is called. ALL the buttons / UI is DISABLED and the App is no more responsive until the
component_method (1)
DIsmisProgressDialog block is called
which is called at the end of the file download.

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This is the desired behavior, see the documentation User Interface

Shows a dialog box with an optional title and message (use empty strings if they are not wanted). This dialog box contains a spinning artifact to indicate that the program is working. It cannot be canceled by the user but must be dismissed by the App Inventor Program by using the DismissProgressDialog method.


Thanks, you are right, I should not use Notifier.



So you claim that your app was rejected in the Play Store because you display a ShowProgressDialog during the download. Right?

Not even Google would come up with such an idea. And they really can think of many things to annoy developers and users.

Behold the march of progress!

This is indeed counterproductive.

A Notifier that blocks my cancel button?

When did that spinning circle get added?

I blame it.

progress_Notifier.aia (1.7 KB)