Another smart thermostat post (minor twist is that it's for a hydronic in-floor heating pump) with another BT problem. Not novel I know, but I've done my best troubleshooting and think it must be down to App BT connection stability.
I've been poring through similar posts for a few days, and finally decided to make a new one. As the title says I can connect through BT to the app send and receive signals no problem, but the app will report a 516 between 10-60 seconds later. I cannot find rhyme or reason based on button use(input) frequency. I finally connected the BT to the laptop using Windows Bluetooth Serial Terminal, and this will stay connected indefinitely, which leads me to believe it is not a power issue cycling the HC-05 or a code issue doing the same. However my block code for the app is quite simple, so I need some expert advice to help solve this one.
#include <SimpleDHT.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define DHTPIN 3 // Digital pin connected to the DHT sensor
#define RELAYCONTROL 9 // active low, first stage relay
SimpleDHT11 dht11;
int currenttemp = 0;
int TargetTemp = 30;
char Incoming_value = 0;
SoftwareSerial BTModule(7, 8); // RX | TX
void MasterControlON()
void MasterControlOFF()
digitalWrite(RELAYCONTROL, LOW);
void TemperatureControl()
if(currenttemp <= TargetTemp)
digitalWrite(RELAYCONTROL, LOW); // Active Low Switch = ON
digitalWrite(RELAYCONTROL, HIGH); // Active Low Switch = off
void StatusCheck() // Command 2 from BT App
byte temperature = 0;
byte humidity = 0;
String report; //concatenated result of temp & humidity for display purposes on app
String PumpS; // checks pin status for reporting pump state to app
if (, &temperature, &humidity, NULL))
// Report to Serial:
Serial.print(" C");
Serial.println(" %");
// Report to App
if(digitalRead(RELAYCONTROL) == HIGH)
PumpS = "On";
if(digitalRead(RELAYCONTROL) == LOW)
PumpS = "Off";
report = (String) temperature + "," + (String) humidity + "," + PumpS + "," + (String) TargetTemp;
BTModule.println(report); // send concatenated report, split in app for display
void SetTemp()
TargetTemp =; // this function is still WIP
void setup()
pinMode(RELAYCONTROL, OUTPUT); // Relay Pump Control
BTModule.begin(9600); // HC-05
Serial.begin(9600); // For DHT & Serial Monitor
void loop()
// App Controls
if(BTModule.available() > 0)
Incoming_value =;
Serial.print(Incoming_value); // report latest command to Serial Monitor
if(Incoming_value == '1')
else if(Incoming_value == '0')
else if(Incoming_value == '2')
else if(Incoming_value == '3')
Thermostat_copy(1).aia (3.4 KB)