App Inventor Website won't load

One of my students created an app and now the entire website won't load his account. When he goes to App Inventor and logs in, it default loads the last app he was working on. In his current program "Snow Globe" he overloaded the number of snowballs. He was having too much fun with copy/pasting new snowballs. My guess is he overextended the memory available for the App Inventor.

The site loads, remains in a loading state but doesn't let us click anything (was trying to click to another app or move Snow Globe to the trash). Then the site App Inventor site ends up crashing.

Does anyone have suggestions about how to delete his app or reset his account?


Try to disable project autoload by using the following url

This URL allows you to open AI2 to the Project List, without opening any project.
From that list, you can request Exports of Projects without trying to open them.
Upload the troublesome .aia here.
