App inventor was unable to compile the project (an error in the DX stage)

Hello there,
I have 24 screens with repeated blocks and the screens are all repeated because I'm trying to make a quiz program and I put each topic in a screen.
The program was completely fine when I had 10 screens but when I repeated the screens and I got 24 screens, this issue happened.
please advice.

Did you see the message when you added more screens above 10 ?

If you are repeating the same blocks and layouts on additional screesn, then you need to reconsider how you are using your app. One screen, one layout, different data.....

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No, the message appeared only after I finished copying the screens. BTW, I didn't try to build the app after my test on the 10th screen because I though it's fine to go on with the repetition. so, when I finished copying the screens I wanted to build the app but I faced this issue.

I mean I didn't try on the 15th screen, 17th screen, and so on. I only tested the program on the 10th and when I finished.

Hello there,
I have 24 screens with repeated blocks and the screens are all repeated because I'm trying to make a quiz program and I put each topic in a screen.
The program was completely fine when

I had 10 screens but when I repeated the screens and I got 24 screens, this issue happened.
please advice.

Reuse your screens
You can have a quiz app with only one screen
Seperate logic and data


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