App inventor voice chat

I would like to know if there is a way to make a voice chat app in app inventor?
Thank you.


If you mean sending audio files back and forth, I guess in principle is possible, via a server.

The basic process would be: 1) save an audio file in the sending device, 2) send it to the server, 3) retrieve that audio from the receiving device.

you should try this extension with a database -

No, I mean an app like clubhouse.

Sorry, but this component wasn't for app inventor.
I mean how I can build an app like clubhouse for android with app inventor.
Notice: I don't want to make a version of clubhouse for android. I want to make my own new voice chat app.

you mean voice call ?

Yes, kind of, but due internet. Like clubhouse.
Like Telegram's voice chat feature.

I think it is not possible you need extension for that

Is this for app inventor?

I am not sure but you can use it please contact to developer

Thanks​:heart::orange_heart: you solved it!

I would like to know if there is a way to make a voice chat app in app inventor?
Thank you.

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