App Inventor + Kodular Planned Collaboration

It's not an export level. It's minSdk, the minimum Android version the app supports. Installing the package on lower Android versions will result in an error.

App Inventor itself was meant to support lower SDK's like Android 2.2, but the features you use may drastically impact this.

See also post #24.

It depends on which components require which (minimum) API level.

Mostly to a wemos server. (Wifi) I would rava work with ai2. But kodular just looks more nicer for users and has some better handy but not needed components and options that just help

But. Ai2 blocks are better. But ai2 beats it everywhere else and stable

Yes, this is what I said.

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Thank you for working on the implementation of the kodular components, we are excited that they can be in app inventor


is this will be soon ??!

Will depend on your definition of soon...years most probably, months possibly, weeks unlikely


never most likely :wink:


@Diego and I spoke about this over the weekend at FOSDEM. One of the major challenges has been the bandwidth on MIT's side to try and get the changes reviewed and merged into the system. While we have been able to get a few smaller changes, the pace has not really been I think what either team aimed to achieve at the start of the process. That said, we still have this on our radar and are going to allow for people to propose projects helping migrating components to App Inventor through GSOC again this summer.


Please do not be to sure about this. I am an active App Inventor user and a member of this forum. However I do not always log in although I check the forum almost every day for new posts. So maybe lots of users are looking at the forum but not participating.



I am one of them, I am constantly using appinventor, because (in one way or another) I teach children how to think programmatically and solve problems with logic, mathematics and technology, because my country lacks time in many areas.

and MIT appinventor helps me a lot, a lot, a lot... in the task.

Although I'm always reading the forum (to see what's new), I don't always write.


Any update on this?


Any new updates?

any news?

i think stay this project

Will any functions of AI2 break or be non-functional, or be changed in a way that means that it will stop old projects from working?

No such things will happen for AI2 users however Kodular users might affect while transferring their Kodular projects.

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Who still believes that this will ever happen? I doubted it from the beginning. Moreover, Kodular has now done everything imaginable to upset and scare away its users.

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I agree.

I think something went wrong with this project. The repository stopped receiving pull requests to merge these platforms. I also don't know if any pull requests were merged.

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