App Inventor & BluetoothLE

BLETest.aia (405.9 KB)
BLETest.ino (2.3 KB)
Dear Users,

I am a beginner and I am unable to send Data from Arduino to the MobilePhone. The other direction isn't a problem. I spend a lot of time to solve this Problem but I cann't.
Please could somebody so friendly to help a beginner !

I don't see you doing a Register For Bytes anywhere.

That should start the bytes flowing.

Also, for debugging, show everything that arrives in the When BytesReceived event.

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I tried

also this, but without success !?

Have you tried using the nrfConnect app from the Play Store to talk to your device?

RegisterForBytes is not the same as ReadBytes. The first registers the receiver, and data is received automatically when it arrives. The second reads the data only when this block is called, in your case only once after connecting to the bt module. Replace the ReadBytes block with RegisterForBytes.

no I didn't !

I make it like this, but still no success !

I got it, thank you !

So what worked?

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