App inventor app on iphone does not connect the apps to phone

app inventor app on iphone does not connect the apps to phone. I see on the message on app inventor 2 app on my phone "IP Address: error".
Can others connect the apps to phone using iphone.
I can not check my students work because i do not have android phone now

Thanks for help

You probably can run the student aia Projects in the emulator.

The students cannot compile the Projects for an ios device. At the present time, they can only run and build them using Companion for ios. What the students have access to is an 'interpreter'; MIT has not yet released the appropriate 'compiler.' Their app aia will probably run on the emulator or an Android device.

I changed your Project to App Inventor for iOS. What you experience is not a bug. The following links discuss topics related to ios Search results for 'ios' - MIT App Inventor Community .

How to use the emulator for Android is discussed in Installing and Running the Emulator.

MIT has not indicated a release date for the ios compiler yet. It might be days, weeks or months. :cry:

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