App inventor 2 does not open

the developer page of appinventor 2 does not open. I want to know if this site is in maintenance, because, I already tried to open it in other PC with the same result.
la pagina de desarrollador de appinventor 2 no abre, quisiera saber si este sitio esta en mantenimiento porque ya lo intente abrir en otro pc con el mismo resustado.

thanks for the help

see this thread


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.

Are you located in Colombia Luis? An Internet Service Provider there is BLOCKING the main App Inventor 2 web server. See Can't reach the App inventor Site . Could that be your issue?

If not you might follow the advice Taifun provided and use the alternative server . Does that server work? Can you access it successfully?

– Steve