App giving error 1101 out of nowhere

Hello everyone, on February 21st I came here to ask for help adapting my app to the new Google Play requirements, ok, I did it and it worked.

I updated the app on Google Play and until yesterday or the day before yesterday it was working correctly.

However, today I opened the app (which was installed directly from Google Play) and out of nowhere it was showing error 1101 "Device without internet". What could this be since I haven't done any more updates? Could it be something related to Google Play? Is anyone else having this error?

I'm waiting, thank you

without know any thing about your app, we can not give useful advice.

Okay :slight_smile: it's a webradio app, when it starts it checks if the music server is accessible (which it is because when you open the url in the browser everything appears ok) if it's not it notifies you.

I believe it is something related to the Android version, as a friend of mine (not long ago) installed it on his cell phone and everything is ok and his Android is version 10, but on my 2 cell phones with Android 7.0 version it gives this error , the strange thing is that basically it wasn't today, it was max since Sunday, as Saturday everything was ok

If you have any tips I'll accept :slight_smile: as not everyone has a recent Android phone.
