App for medical laboratory

I need an app to work in a medical lab in order to enter and announce the results

Have you worked out the outputs you need ?? That will define the inputs you nned to have ...............
WIll the app be SINGLE use of multi user ? That will define the location of the database (Online / Offline)
I suggest you do a pen & paper exercise and define your app first.

You could have clients, registering and logging in.
Clients could schedule an apppointment for a test.
You could provide test results online.
Payment modules can be incorpoprated for online payments .............
For clients having to undergo periodic tests, you could have reminders .....

The ingredients are unlimited. You have to be crystal clear in your requirements, to be able to have a crystal clear app !!

Facility for home collection of samples, and delivery of reports ( Email / App based / Home Delivery - for X Rays etc).
Facility of tracking the delivery boy / collection agent (Map based)

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