App does not receive subscribed messages

Hello to the whole forum,
I have a problem with an application that uses the UrsAI2PahoMqtt extension
I launch the app and everything works perfectly, when the smartphone goes to standby, among the recent apps, or when I press the HOME button, when I do it again this happens:

  1. the app continues to work using "publish" blocks
  2. the app no longer receives messages via the subscribed topic
    I can't fix this problem.
    I tried with xiaomi 11t pro (miui 14) and with samsung s6 (android 8)
    if you want I'll publish all the blocks or tell me which ones are of most interest.
    can you help me?

[SOLVED] Ulrich Bien gave me resolution instructions.
Thank you

Please provide these here in this thread for others with the same questions in future


the error was in my code,
I thought the "not-isConnected" statement would check if I was connected, but instead I had to use the "ConnectionStateChanged" block.
<<"Not IsDisconnected" does not mean the client is connected. There are several other states that fulfill this condition (Ullis Roboter Seite/AI2 MQTT)>>.
You learn by making mistakes
Amedeo Di Vito

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