Hi so after some changes in form.java file in appinventor source i faced a problem my apps's contant got bigger images,fonts,texts everything now is in a big size and unclear since images are bigger than it's original size idk what went wrong could you gives guide me
What changes did you make?
With you sharing what you've done how could anyone help you fix it?
i added and changed lines in
public void recomputeLayout
public void oncreate
i was trying to add appcompat components to my app and change actionbar to android support actionbar
here is what happened
as you can see the icons below is not organized because of the size of the text and the contant in the card is clipped
what could possible happened
fixed the problem wasn't in for.java it was in the compiler it's something related to theme to be honest idk what it is exactly i just switched to @android:style/Theme.Material instead of @stye/apptheme
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