App build problems, Generating icons, task errored

Hi I am Rafik, please help me
I already completed one application in appinventor but when I build this application then show this pop up massage like this image.
Please help me anyone as soon as possible.

Can you show the complete error? we are missing the interesting part.

The good stuff is at the bottom.


How I can Find out missing part?

We need to see the bottom of the error. Generate the error and send a screenshot of the bottom part, where the error appears.

Please Help as soon as possible.

Use a proper icon size square 1024x1024 and preferably use PNG...

look all reference screen, example what reference will open screen correct or maybe some extension

it clearly says that it has errored while generating the icons for the app ...

That's right. Remove your app icon or change it by a png square not bigger than 1024x1024



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