.APK got installed on android, but not working as in AI companion

.APK got installed on android, but not sending data to google sheet as working in AI companion

its a time recording app for 10 activities. which i am trying to send to google sheet, in AI companion it works well, but after making *.apk and installing to mobile, app works good but data is not sending to google sheet. please help, or my all work will go waste.

Does your app use TinyDB?

Please show your full url
Also please show examples of all your values being sent

Also, I usually put an &submit=Submit at the end of all the parameters

No, i am directly sending to google sheet link

output sheet

"&submit=Submit "
But data is going to google sheet without it, so didnt put.

um, data is not going to google sheet (when compiled)

The other thing I might be concerned about are the entries that contain a colon - :. You might try using the UriEncode block on these entries.... (and for any entries that may contain a &)

when i am trying on AI companion, it works really well & fast.
data directly go to sheet, so built an APK & installed on android phone, but now data is not going to sheet.
i read somewhere that data takes 1-2 hrs time to process, but even after a day its not there.

Should go there straight away, no delay for "processing".

Does your url end with formResponse (after the google form ID) ?

yes, all formatting is correct, working well in AI companion.
but after building an APK and installing on phone its not working.

UriEncode block : can you explain a example how to use it.

But I have one question : after AI companion is successfully working, it should work after making APK.
Any other setting needs to be done before making APK.

Which response content do you get in the Web.GotText event?

Here is an example I provided on another topic earlier in the week:


assume nothing :slight_smile:

Also, just tested my demo app compiled, all working fine here

yes, this is the link, i have taken reference of same. exactly like my work, but more enteries.
my project is based on this, but its not working after APK, unfortunately.

i am getting text from goggle form.

and that text is ? (all of it...)

Show us a screenshot of your Web GotText event
Display the response content in a label
Test using the companion and compare the response with the apk test...
Let us know what you get in both cases


please see the AI companion screen shot with inputs.

Also see the output google sheet screen shot.

its working well with AI companion.

But not with installed APK.???why?